Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Nema preterane veze sa celijakijom ali dobro je znati.

Upozoravamo građane Srbije da su se na našem tržištu pojavili prehrambeni proizvodi opasni po život i zdravlje obeleženi znakom piramide i imenom Codex Alimentarius
Navedeni proizvodi su se pojavili na tržištu Srbije nezakonito, jer genocidni Codex Alimentarius u Srbiji nije usvojen, nije ,,usklađen”, niti može biti, jer su odredbe Codex Alimentarius-a u suprotnosti sa Roterdamskom i Kopenhaškom konvencijom, čija je Srbija potpisnica i koje imaju veću snagu od bilo kog zakona.
Codex Alimentarius sadrži obavezujuće odredbe o korišćenju veštačkog goveđeg hormona rasta i antibiotika u svim vrstama mesa namenjenih ljudskoj ishrani, što će imati nesagledive posledice po zdravlje sadašnjih i budućih generacija. Sve vrste prehrambenih namirnica se po odredbama Codex Alimentarius-a moraju zračiti da bi duže trajale, a ne postoje bezbedne doze zračenja za ljudsko zdravlje. U poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji Codex Alimentarius obavezuje upotrebu jedino genetski modifikovanog semena, a od 12 zabranjenih herbicida kao najopasnijih hemijskih sredstava za zaštitu poljoprivrednih proizvoda, Codex Alimentarius na listu dozvoljenih jedinjenja vraća sedam, kao DDT, lindan, malation i druge otrove. Zvanične preporuke Codex Alimentarius-a su smanjile minimalne količine hranljivih materija u ljudskoj ishrani, tako da će se u zemljama koje prihvate Codex Alimentarius, vitamini, lekovite trave (čajevi), korisni minerali biti zabranjeni u slobodnoj prodaji.

Ceo tekst je na OVOM LINKU.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sitni, brzi kolaci bez brasna

Idu slave i praznici pa evo malo jednostavnijih kolaca sa ili bez keksa.

Najbrza vocna tortica

-2 kisele pavlake
-100g secera u prahu
-300 g praha za slag
-3dl vode
-3 pakovanje bilo koje vrste keksa
-vocni sok i voce po zelji

Varjacom promesajte pavlake sa 4 kasike secera, posebno umutite slag sa vodom. Onda sve lagano pomesajte, poredjajte keks kratko namocene u sok, prelijte filom, pospite vocem i postupak ponavljajte sve dok imate materijala.
**** na vrhu treba biti fil, dodajte ukrase po zelji

Cokoladni mafini bez brasna

-225 g tamne čokolade (s visokim procentom kakaa)
-85g maslaca
-6 jaja
-110 g šećera
-1 kasicica arome vanilije

Pećnicu zagrejati na 140c.U kalup za mufine staviti košarice.
Odvojiti zumance i belance.Čokoladu i maslac otopiti na pari i malo prohladiti. Dodati im žumance i izmiksati pa dodati i vaniliju.
Belance umiksovati u sneg pa kad zasjaje dodati šećer. Nemojte ih pretući.
Pomalo dodavati sneg smesi od čokolade i kutlačom mešati.
Puniti 3/4 košarica i peći mufffine 25 minuta.
Izvaditi ih na rešetku da se ohlade.
******Recept je iz knjige Cupcakes od M. Stewart.
Muffini će izaći malo napuhani iz pećnice, ali nakon par minuta "puknu" i napravi se "udubina".
Poslužiti uz kuglu sladoleda

Kolacici sa cokoladom

300 g šećera,300 g oljuštenog badema, 4 bjelanca, 50 g margarina, malo bezglutenskog brašna, 350 g čokolade za kuvanje

Popariti bademe, oljuštiti ih i na kratko ispeći u rerni na nižoj temperaturi. Izgnječiti ih u avanu, dodati ih bjelancima i šećeru, rukama umjesiti tijesto i ostaviti da se odmori. Podmazati pleh masnoćom i posuti brašnom. Kašikom vaditi po malo mase, ređati u pleh, peći u rerni na 180°C i paziti da kolačići previše ne potamne. Pustiti da se ohlade pa ih onda izvaditi. Istopiti čokoladu na pari. Umočiti svaki kolačić u toplu čokoladu i ohladiti.

Pirincane loptice sa susamom

4 šolje kuvanog mrkog pirinča
2 umeboši šljive prepolovljene
1-2 prženih susamovih semenki

Oblikovati loptice od pirinča, u sredinu ugurati umeboši šljivu i uvaljati loptice u pržen susam.
Dobićete 4 loptice, staviti na plitak tanjir.

Kolac bez brasna

-8 vel. kasika secera
-3 vel.kasike prezli
-20 dkg oraha maloruma
-50 dkg secera
-50 dcl vode
1 slag pena (ili slatka pavlaka)

-Odvojiti zumanca i belanca. Zumanca i secer penasto umutiti. Dodati (polako mesajuci) prezle, zatim orase, malo ruma i sneg od belanjaka.
-Podmazati pleh margarinom i posuti prezlama. http://www.coolinarika.com/slika/26458 -Peci na 180°C.
Peceni kolac (onako vruc) zaliti malo prohladjenim prelivom.
Ohladjen premazati slagom.
****Odozgo mozete posipati mlevene orase, lesnik i slicno.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Mogli ste da primetite na desnoj strani bloga veliki baner-rec je o glasanju za ovaj blog na Webfest. Zamolila bih sve da odo na OVAJ LINK i preko svog fb profila glasate za ovaj blog.

You could notice banner on the right side of the blog, it is about competition on Webfest, Please, go to this link and via u\your facebook vote for celijakija.blog. Thanx!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Trazili ste, izvolite!

Presna pogaca

-800-1000gr brašna
-1 kašičica sode bikarbone
-1 kašičica soli
-½ kašičice sirćeta
-250ml vode

Od navedenih sastojaka umesiti testo. Pleh nauljiti. Rukama oblikovati pogaču i staviti je u pleh, pa ostaviti da malo odstoji. Rernu zagrejati na 250C. Pogaču pre nego što se stavi u rernu, staviti malo da se donja strana zapeče na ringli. Skloniti sa ringle i pogaču preokrenuti (donja strana sada ide gore). Onda pogaču staviti u rernu da se dopeče. Peći nekih pola sata.

Ovaj recept je objavljen u novembarskom specijalnom posnom izdanju časopisa “Hrana i Vino”.

Domaca pogaca

-1 kg brasna
-500 ml vode
-50 g kvasca
-50 g ulja
-1 kasicica secera
-malo soli

Kvasac razmutiti u malo mlake vode sa kasicicom secera i kasikom brasna. Staviti na toplo mesto da naraste.
U brasno istaviti nadosli kvasac, ulje i so, pa mlakom vodom zamesiti testo. Ostaviti na toplom oko pola sata a
zatim, dve trecine testa staviti u modlu, a od ostatka napraviti dekoraciju (pletenice itd.). Pogacu izbosti viljuskom.
Peci oko 45 minuta na 180 stepeni.

Maslena pogaca

-1 casa kiselog mleka
-1 dl mlake vode
-20 gkvasca
-2 kasicice secera
-3 jaja
-2 zumanca
-700g brasna
-250g maslaca
soli po volji

Zamesite testo i ostavite da naraste. Kada naraste, podelite na 8 delova pa svaki premesite, razdvojite sveki deo u krug , premazati sa razmucenim maslacem i sloziti jedan na drugi. Naslozeno testo preseci na 8 jednakih trouglova i uviti svaki u kiflu. U veliku posudu slozite kifle jednu do druge u red i tako ih odstaviti oko 2 h.
Nakon toga, premazite pogacu sa razmucenim belancetom i peci oko 45 min na 200. Prijatno!

Bosanska pogaca
*vrlo brza i ukusna

-1 kg brašna
-100 ml kiselog mleka
-kesica sode bikarbone ili prašak za pecivo
-mlaka voda, ulje

U brašno dodajte kiselo mleko, sodu bikarbonu ili prašak za pecivo. Dolijte mlaku vodu, na pobrašnjenoj dasci umesite testo, rastanjite ga i premažite uljem. Ponovo zamesite i ponovite postupak. Oblikujte pogaču i pecite u podmazanom plehu. Kada je pečena, pogača treba da se lista.

Brza pogaca

-1 kg brašna
-40 g kvasca
-1/2 l mleka
-1 kašičica šećera
-3 kašičice soli
-1 čaša ulja
-1 jaje
-1 žumance

Kvasac rastopite u mlakom mleku pa dodajte šećer. U posebnom sudu pomešajte brašno i so. U sredinu posude sa brašnom dodajte uskisao kvasac, ulje i jedno jaje. Testo izmesite i razvijte ga prema obliku suda u kome će se peći. Posebno umutite jedno žumance i njime premažite pogaču. Pecite odmah, bez čekanja da naraste. Prvih 10 minuta pecite u zagrejanoj rerni nepokriveno testo, a zatim narednih 20-25 minuta prekriveno belim papirom. Poslednjih 5 minuta skinite papir da bi pogača dobila lepu koricu.
Brza pogača služi sa kajmakom dok je vruća, a može se jesti i hladna.

Zahvaljujem se na ovom poslatom receptu i pozivam da i dalje saljete svoje.

Recepti za hleb

Evo par novih recepata za hleb, nadam se da ce Vam se dopasti.

Engleski slatki hleb

-1 i po solje brasna
-kasicica secera
-pola kasicice soli
-kasicica sode
To zatim mikserom promesati a u drugu ciniju staviti pola solje vode i pola solje mleka.Staviti na vatru i cim pocnu mehurici sipati u brasno.Mesati mikserom jos 5 minuta a zatim posudu za pecenje podmazati maramicom sa uljem- da se ne bi hleb zalepio sipajte malo brasna u tu posudu i vrtite dok se ne skupi za to ulje.zatim pokrijte posudu peskirom,stavite u rernu zajedno sa soljom mlake vode i stavite da odstoji pola sata (tako englezi rade, i taman se duplo podigne testo ).Na 400 c oko 25 minuta :) prijatno!

Hleb sa bananama

-solja i po brasna
-kasicica sode
-soli na vrh kasicice
-kasicica praska za pecivo
-2 jaja
-3/4 solje secera
-pola solje ulja
-solja i po zgnjecenih banana
-kasicica vanilinog ekstrakta
po zelji mozete dodati:
cimet,sitne orahe,badem ili komadici cokolade

Zagrejte rernu na 350 c.Pospite posudu za pecenje sa malo brasna,a brasno,sodu i so promesajte u velikoj ciniji.(i cimet,po zelji )
U drugoj ciniji pomesati mikserom jaja i secer,a zatim dodati banane,ulje i vanilu i promesati.Konacno,dodati i brasno i po zelji cokoladu ili bademe itd.
Peci sat do sat i po,na umerenoj temperaturi.Prijatno!

Sledeci recept je naglasen za onaj koji se pravi u mini pekari

*Ukoliko nemate kucni pekac hleba nabavite ga,nije preskup a pravi fenomenalan hleb i lak je za upotrebu!

-300 ml vode
-100 ml ulja
-750 gr belog brašna
-1 kašike šećera
-2 kašika soli
-1 kesica suvog kvasca

U posudu za pravljenje hleba sipati vodu i ulje. Potom sve prekriti brašnom, Sa strane sipati šećer i so a u sredini brašna napraviti malo udubljenje ali ne do vode i sipati kvasac. Paziti da kvasac ne dođe u dodir ni sa jednom namirnicom osim sa brašnom.
Vratiti posudu u mini-pekaru i podesiti na program za francuski hleb, težinu na 1250 gr.

Hleb od kiselog testa *zdraviji izbor

brasno, soli po volji, vode po potrebi, kvasac

Ovde je najbitnije dobro napraviti tzv.predtesto.
U keramickoj ili staklenoj ciniji mesajte brasno sa vodom 1:1,5 - najbolje je koristiti negaziranu mineralnu vodu.
Tako napravljeno testo treba 2,3 dana da se fermentira-kada se prvi mehurici pojave onda se DODAJE novo testo- samo je sad odnos 1:1. Hranjenje se ponavlja svaki dan u toku nedelju dana. Krajnji proizvod jeste ziva kultura divljeg kvasca koju treba dodati brasnu,vodi i soli te zamesiti testo za hleb. U ovoj fazi mozete dodati suvo voce, semenke itd. Ovakve kultrua treba mirisati ugodno kiselo i imati nesto poput kreatera na povrsini.
Kada smo dobili pocetnu kulturu moguce je odvojiti jedan deo radi pripreme a drugi deo ostaviti do 5 dana u hladnjaku.
Duzina testa zavisi od kolicine predtesta u odnosu na brasno i vodu. Nakon sto se testo nadiglo, premesi se i oblikuje se hleb- ukoliko se testo razlije bez brige, kasnije ce dobiti pravi oblik.
Ova fermentacija je drugo dizanje, a nakon 4sata dolazi do druge fermentacije kada ovo testo pocinje da proizvodi laktobacile i zato ovo testo ima specifican kiselkast ukus a i miris
Najbolje je ovaj hleb peci do nesto tamnije boje. Cak i nakon 4,5 dana, ovaj hleb ce biti vlazan i svez u sredini.

*Vrlo je bitno da je fermentacija na temp.od oko 25 c, dakle toplija sobna temperatura radi naboljeg rezultata
*Mozete ga cak i zamrznuti i ponovo reaktivirati, ili ga u tankom sloju namazeti na pek papir, osušiti sloj i onda tu suvu mrvicastut masu negde na suvo ostaviti i ponovo imaš podlogu
-Poželjno je ponekad dodati i krompirove vodice, možda malo piva

Hleb sa semenkama

-300ml vode
-1 1/2 kasika biljnog ulja
- 500g brasna
-1 kasicica soli
-4 kasicicesecera
-1 kasicica suvog kvasca
- 1 kasika seme bundeve
-1 kasika seme suncokreta
-2 kasicice seme lana
- 2 kasicice seme susama

Dodavati sastojke po navedenom redu. Peci kao i obicno; obratiti paznju ukoliko Vasa pekara ima poseban program za hleb sa semenkama.

Sladak cokoladni hleb sa bananama
(mnogima pre kolac nego hleb :)

-1/2 solje secera
-1/2 solje ulja
-1 kasika sode
-3 vece banane (izgnjecene)
-2 solje gusnella
-1 solja brasna
-1 solja dobro zaledjena pa izdrobljene krupnije cokolada za kuvanje

Jaja i secer penasto umutiti a zatim polako dodavati ostale sastojke.Sve peci 50 min na 200 stepeni.
*Po zelji, dodajte ekstrakt ruma ili vanile


Evo i par saveta u vezi sa kucnim pekacima, prema sajtu coolinarka:

-Prvo isprobajte nekoliko osnovnih recepata kako bi ste se navikli na rad pekača.
-Uvek tačno izmerite sastojke.
-Tokom postupka mešanja testa, dobro je proveriti konzistenciju testa (obično će vam se javiti zvučni signal), jer mu ponekad treba dodati još brašna ili tekućine. -Testo mora biti lagano lepljivo, mekano i glatko.
-Poklopac pekača smete dizati bilo kada u fazi miješanja testa, ali u kasnijim fazama pečenja to baš i nije preporučljivo, jer će hleb splasnuti.
-Ako želite da korica helba ima lepši izgled, pre zadnje faze dizanja testa kratko otvorite poklopac pekača i s oštrim ugranim vrhom noža oblikujte hlebnu koru koja se već počela stvarati i/ili je premažite rastopljenim maslacem i pospite semenkama. Ako pečenu štrucu premažete mlekom, korica će biti mekša, a za tamniju koricu koristite razmućeni žumanac tako da površinu hleba premažete njime i kratko zapećete s programom za dodatno pečenje ili u običnoj pećnici.
-Pričekajte da se hleb ohladi u naopako okrenutoj posudi za pečenje, barem 10-ak minuta pre nego što ga izvadite. Ako je potrebno nekoliko puta gurnite gore-dole osovinicu koja drži lopatice, a možete ih i nauljiti na početku rada, tj. pre stavljanja sastojaka u posudu za pečenje.


Zeljanica bez kora

ProverenI receptI, vise puta pravljeno i preukusno!
14kasika brasna
kasicica praska za pecivo
150g ulja
kasicica soli
casa mleka
300g sira
300g spanaca
Brasno pomesajte sa praskom za pecivo i solju pa dodajte ulje, kad se masa sjedini dodati jaja i u z stalno mesanje mutite dok ne dobijete glatku masu.Zatim dodajte sir i opran spanac,promesajte dobro, i na kraju blago umesajte ulupan sneg od belanca.Sipajte masu u pleh koji je podmazan i brasnom posut, obilno naspite susam pecite na 130 c oko 25 minuta. Prijatno!

Pogacice sa krompirom
koje su ukusnije nego sto mozete da zamislite :)

400g krompira
200g masti
2dl mleka
1 kvasac
300=400g brasna, da bi bilo mekano testo
2 kasicice soli
Krompir skuvajte i zgnjecite, kad se ohladi dodajte so,jaja,mast i umutite dobro.Kvasac stavite u mleko sa malo secera a kad nadodje kvasac sipajte ga u smesu sa krompirom.Dodajte brasno i mesite sve dok ne dobijete glatko testo a zatim ga razvucite i casom pravite pogacice, peci na 200c dok ne porumeni.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Some easy and interesting recipes

So I found on couple sites these interesting recipes and of course, I am going to share it with you.Some of them you can use for Haloween ;)
Have a nice day!

Mini Caramel Apples

Bite-size versions of the fall fair treat, these tiny "caramel" apples are a great party snack.
4-inch lollipop sticks
Melon baller
Granny Smith apples (one apple makes about 8 mini apples)
Butterscotch or peanut butter chips
Chopped nuts, nonpareils, sprinkles, shredded coconut (optional)
Small paper candy cups

First, cut the lollipop sticks in half at an angle (the pointy end will go into the apple pieces easier). With the melon baller, scoop little balls out of the apple. Each ball should have a section of apple peel. Push half of a lollipop stick into the peel of each ball. Pat the apple pieces dry.
Melt the chips according to the package directions. Dip and swirl the mini apples in the melted chips, then roll the apples in nuts, sprinkles, nonpareils, or coconut, if desired. Place the mini apples in paper candy cups to set.
If you plan on using caramel with these apples you will find that caramel does not like wet surfaces to remedy that problem try dipping the apples in a candy coating first (any flavor you like, chocolate, vanilla, peanut butter, , chill in refrigerator then coat with Caramel and your favorite candies.

Caramel Apple Monsters

1 14-ounce bag individually wrapped caramel candies (about 50)
2 tablespoons milk
4 to 6 medium apples (see guide, page 123)
Craft sticks
Assorted candies
Place the unwrapped caramels in a shallow microwave-safe bowl.
Mix in the milk and microwave on high for 2 minutes, stirring after 1 minute (the caramels will keep their shape as they soften, so be sure to stir them).
When the caramels are melted, remove the dish from the microwave with pot holders and stir the sauce until smooth. Set aside to cool slightly.
To thoroughly coat an apple, roll it in the caramel sauce, then hold it upright so the sauce slides down the sides.
Generously butter a baking sheet. Twist off the apple stems and spear each fruit with a craft stick.
Roll one apple in the caramel sauce until it's thoroughly coated. Place it, stick pointing up, on the baking sheet.
Working quickly, coat the remaining apples in the caramel sauce. The caramel coating will be gooey, so refrigerate the apple for 15 minutes or until the caramel is slightly hardened.
Holding the apple by the stick, use candy to turn it into a monster.
Refrigerate again until the caramel is hardened and the candy is set. Makes 4 to 6.

Gluten Free Soft Pretzels

I tried several different flour mixtures to get this one right. Every time Shawn and I go to the local mall, we crave Annie's Pretzels. How could you not? The smell of those soft pretzels when you walk by gets your attention like a slap in the face.

These turned out great. Salty, chewy, giant soft pretzels. Just like I remember. They were easier to make than I thought too, which is a bonus.

The flavor of soft pretzels comes from 3 sources. Butter, the baking soda/salt bath, and yeast. These are the three flavors that when combined are irresistible.


1 packet of Active Dry Yeast
1/2 cup Potato Starch (not potato flour)
1/2 cup Corn Starch
1/2 cup Tapioca Flour
1 cup Glutinous Rice Flour (sweet rice)
1/2 cup Sweet White Sorghum Flour
2 teaspoons Guar Gum
1 cup warm water
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons sugar
2 tablespoons unsalted sweat cream butter (softened)
1 tablespoon Clover Honey
2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Pretzel salt

Alkaline Bath Ingredients

1/4 cup baking soda
3 tablespoons sea salt
4 cups water

Begin by whisking together the flours, starches, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon sugar, and the guar gum until thoroughly mixed together. Make a well in the center for the liquid ingredients.
Mix the yeast, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and 1/4 cup of warm water together and set in a warm place to proof the yeast.
Pour the yeast mixture, 3/4 cup warm water, the butter, the honey, and the olive oil into the well you made in the flour mixture and begin mixing together using the dough hooks of your stand mixer.
This mixing will take a long time and will not completely incorporate all the wet into the dry. You end up with a crumbly mixture like this.
Begin working/kneading the dough into a solid ball with your hands.
Continue working/kneading the dough in your hands until it is a smooth ball. Spray a large glass bowl with Crisco Olive Oil nonstick spray. Place the dough ball in the bowl and spray the dough ball so it's coated with olive oil. Cover the bowl in plastic wrap and let sit for about an hour. (it will swell to almost double its original size.
Remove from the oiled bowl after about an hour. Divide the dough ball in half, then half again, then again. Continue dividing the dough until you have 8 approximately equal balls.
Begin with one of the balls, and knead it in your hands until it becomes smooth and pliable. The guar gum and yeast combination will become very pliable if warmly kneaded in small portions. Do not rush this step. Once the dough is "doughy", roll between the hands at first then on the worksurface. Keeping your fingers together at first, begin rolling into a rope while gently pressing down and slowly spreading fingers apart to elongate the rope. (if you can't get it right, ask your kids to help. I am sure they do this in school with play-dough and or clay.)
Roll out to approximately 12 - 18 inches long. Grasp the ends and bring together, twist, and press ends into a side to make the pretzel shape. (notice the one pictured below was not kneaded long enough, so it cracked and tore.)
After you have made all of your pretzels, bring the alkaline bath to a boil. Using a slotted spoon, place each pretzel into the boiling bath for approximately 1 minute. It will swell slightly and change color to a pale yellow.
Place each pretzel straight from the bath onto a cookie sheet that you sprayed with the Crisco Olive Oil nonstick spray. Sprinkle with pretzel salt. Bake for 12 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Cool on a wire rack, but serve warm.
Instead of making the pretzel shape, I wrapped some hotdogs for dinner, and prepared them the same way. (notice in the photo, there are 4 yellowish, and 2 white. The yellowish ones were boiled in the alkaline bath)
Absolutely a delicious part of any meal.
***This recipe makes 8 large soft pretzels. I do not know how long they store for or how well they hold up in storage because we ate them right away.

Banana Ghosts

Halloween trick your child will have no trouble pulling off--turning a ripe banana into a Halloween treat.
Remove any stringy fibers from the peeled banana, then cut it in half widthwise. Push a Popsicle stick into each half through the cut end, then cover each pop with plastic wrap and freeze until firm (about 3 hours).
Next, place a 1.5-ounce piece of white chocolate candy in a microwave-safe bowl and cook on high until melted (it generally takes about 1 minute). With a butter knife, spread the melted white chocolate on the frozen banana halves.
Set the pops on a waxed-paper-covered dish. Press on candies or currants for eyes and mouths and return the pops to the freezer until ready to serve. Makes 2.

Cheesy Corns

Combine the taste of cheese pizza with the look of candy corn and--abracadabra!--you've got one crowd-pleasing snack.


1. Heat the oven to 450º.
2. Cut two small round prebaked pizza crusts into wedges that resemble the shape of candy corn. Top each wedge with rows of white, orange, and yellowish cheeses, as shown.
3. Bake the wedges on a cookie sheet for 8 to 10 m

Taken from familyfun.com

Few recipes

Oatmeal Cranberry Cinnamon Cookies


1 cup rolled oats (make sure they are gluten free oats if you’re gluten free)
1/2 cup brown rice flour
1/2 cup sorghum flour
1 cup ground almonds (almond meal)
1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup grapeseed oil (most any other oil or butter would also be fine)
1/2 cup agave nectar
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup of dried cranberries
1/4 cup Crunchy Flax cereal (This gives a nice crunchy surprise to an otherwise soft cookie)


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Mix all dry ingredients together in a large bowl.
Add agave nectar, oil and vanilla, stir until you have a cookie dough consistency.
Add cinnamon and dried cranberries.
Add the Crunchy Flax cereal last to keep it crunchy.
Drop by spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet.
Bake for about 10 minutes or until tops of cookies are lightly browned and set.
Remove carefully to a cooling rack.

Apple Bites

Slivered almonds
Just quarter and core an apple, cut a wedge from the skin side of each quarter, then press slivered almonds in place for teeth.
If you're not going to serve them right away, baste the apples with orange juice to keep them from browning.

Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread

If you’re longing for a good, gluten-free sourdough bread, this recipe is for you. It’s naturally egg free and can be made dairy free, too. (Just use coconut milk for the sourdough starter.) Yes, it takes a few days to get the sourdough starter going—but it’s not a lot of work. So before you say “it’s too much," think again. Fresh sourdough bread is well worth the time.

3 cups all-purpose gluten-free flour blend of choice
2 teaspoons xanthan gum
¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
¼ cup sugar
1½ teaspoons kosher salt
2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 cup “fed” Sourdough Starter
3 tablespoons unsalted butter or dairy-free butter replacement, melted and cooled
1½ cups warm milk or milk of choice (about 100°F)

1. Generously grease a 9x5-inch loaf pan. Set aside.

2. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, mix the flour, xanthan gum, cream of tartar, sugar, salt and yeast to combine. Add Sourdough Starter and butter and mix to combine.

3. With the mixer on low, pour in the milk in a slow, steady stream. Once the flour has begun to incorporate the liquids, beat the ingredients on at least medium speed for 4 to 6 minutes. The dough will be pretty sticky—thicker than cake batter, not quite as thick as cookie dough. Scrape the dough into the greased loaf pan and smooth the top with wet hands.

4. Allow the dough to rise in a warm, humid place for 30 to 45 minutes or until it has about doubled in size. (In a colder, drier environment, this will take longer. If the environment is warm and humid, it may take less time.) While the dough is rising, preheat the oven to 400°F.

5. Bake the loaf in preheated oven for 40 to 45 minutes or until a nice, golden brown crust has formed on top.

Each serving contains 170 calories, 3g total fat, 2g saturated fat, 0g trans fat, 8mg cholesterol, 231mg sodium, 31g carbohydrate, 1g fiber, 3g protein.

Recipe reprinted with permission from Gluten-Free on a Shoestring by Nicole Hunn. Reprinted by arrangement with Da Capo Lifelong, a member of the Perseus Books Group. Copyright © 2011.

Corn Boats with Zucchini & Pepper Jack Cheese

Adapted from Epicurious

4 ears corn, unhusked
2 T olive oil
1 zucchini, cut into 1/3-inch dice
1 cup red onion, finely chopoed
1 cup coarsely grated Monterey Jack cheese with hot peppers
2 T crushed corn tortilla chips

The first step is to make the corn boats. Take an ear of corn and pull back approximately 1 1/2 to 2 inches worth of husk strips to expose the corn kernels. Remove the strip.Cut the kernels off the cob and save. In a medium skillet over medium high heat, add oil. Once heated, saute the zucchini until browned, about 3-4 minutes. Transfer to a bowl and season with salt.
Add the corn kernels and onion to the skillet and saute for about 4 minutes. Then, cover the skillet and cook an additional 2-3 minutes. Once tender, transfer the corn and onion to the bowl with the zucchini. Season with salt.
Allow the mixture to cool slightly, then add in the cheese.Preheat the grill for indirect medium heat. Spoon the zucchini and cheese mixture into the boats.
If you have some left over, like I did, a small cast iron skillet can easily help share the load.When ready to grill, sprinkle the filled husks with the tortilla chips and then cook for about 15-20 minutes, or until heated.Since this was an easy, one grill meal, it made sense to use a vessel for the protein, too. There is no easier or better "vessel" for fish than a plank of wood. Of course, if I was stranded at sea, I would certainly prefer a boat over a plank. However, when stranded on my grill, I'll take both.Everything fit on the grill and took about the same amount of time to cook. It's a "one grill" meal that lives up to its easy philosophy. We enjoyed the corn boats so much, we had them two nights in a row. With corn still everywhere, it was nice to have it presented in a slightly different fashion. Better yet, the boat "system" lends itself to a ton of variations. Add in some peppers, tomatoes, different cheese, or even other root veg. The possibilities are endless. Hell, you can even name/christen them if you fancy.

Next time you get ready to pitch those corn husks, don't think trash, think boat...and get stuffing.

*taken from http://www.anotherpintplease.com

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jednostavni recepti

Punjene pecurke

Potrebno vam je: 400-500g sampinjona, 100g neke sunke, slanine ili pecenice, po izboru, parmezan rendani, glavica luka,
Priprema: proprziti malo luka na ulju, najbolje maslinovom, zajedno sa polovinom slanine ili sta vec izaberete. Korpice od sampinjona poredjajte u blago podmazan pleh a drske iseckajte, pomesajte sa ostatkom slanine, dodajte po zelji neki zacin-najbolji je bosiljak uz ovo. Ukoliko ne volite jaca jela, dodajte i malo prezli. Kada sve to lepo usitnite, redjate u izvrnute kapice i na kraju prelijte malo ulja preko svih njih. Onda parmezan obilno pospite.Peci na 200 oko 15min.Kada ih izvadite iz rerne, ostavite da se prohlade pa pre sluzenja postavite na salvetu da se upije ulje.
* U sustini, ovde mozete ubaciti sta god zelite samo je potrebno uskladiti ukuse.
*Ja koristim slaninu, neki zacin poput C zacina, gluten free iz Nemacke, parmezan u kesici i prezle od domaceg hleba.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mediterranean way of nutrition:Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean people know how to enjoy in life. They are such a bohemians and they charish it a lot! Every single tourst love their bohemian tradition, enjoying in fresh sea air, walking without shoes, eating delicious fresh food and glory to the sun. I bet you would like to do this ,, waking up by the Sun, having great time exploring the beach, enjoying in lovely and fresh air, walking trought olive yard and having great lunch on the coast with the glass of perfect wine." I bet you would love to!That gives you all experience that food can give you.

So let me introduce you in kind of food which is mostly extremely healthy, basics on the fresh sea food, vegetables and lovely dressings.They tend national culture of food, preparing it with many love and embelish it for the eye. Mediterranean area comprises the lands around and surrounded by the Mediterranean sea;climate with with mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers allow you to visit it at any time of the year.People there eat fresh, less processed foods, foods with a lot of nutrients, and their fruits, vegetables and baked goods are of excellent taste. For them, the meal time for enjoyment and relaxation, and the portions are large.
About the agriculture, wheat is the dominant grain grown around the Mediterranean, pulses and vegetables are also grown. The characteristic tree crop is the olive. Figs and citrus, especially lemons, are grown where irrigation is present. Grapes are an important wine crop, grown for fruit also . Rice and summer vegetables are grown in irrigated areas.All that hapends under the wing of warm Mediteranian Sun and with rich gifts of nature!

Did you know that mediterranean diet succesfully influence on many things?
This type of food is very old and thats why its based on ballast of healty nutrition. All olive products are extremely healthy for example, olive oil minify the value of blood-fat. Beside that, for all nutrients olive oil is ideal for:the digestive tract , prevents diabetes, the brain tissue, the growth and bone development of the child
has the effect of mother's milk and slows the aging of the high content of antioxidants.Yes, they use a lot of oils but this people dont have any problem with heart that is ussually linked with consuming oil in bigger portions. Many women also use olive oil for SPA treatman.Olives and wine, indeed, is traditionally present two specific and important elements of Mediterranean diet. Many experts claim that small amount of quality alcohol, like wine, are good for health. One glass per day can be a part of Mediterranean diet.Olives and wine, indeed, is traditionally present two specific and important elements of Mediterranean diet.
This diet are based on :local and seasonal fresh produce, moderate consumption of various fish, less use of full-fat and moderate cheeses, dairy products and yogurtl, ess meat consumption, olive oil is mostly used as a spice, many fruits, vegetables, potatoes, legumes, nuts, various seeds, bread and cereals. This is magic Mediterranean diet.
Risotto, Greek salad, tapas, fresh seafood, great dressings as tzatziki....it sounds delicious even before you try it!About the dishes, I ate great one in Greek:Cut the carrots into thin sticks and dip them in whole or in low-fat sauces such as the hommus or Tzatziki. Put olives, little feta cheese, green salad and pour a little olive oil.Grated carrot adds a tremendous feel of the many raw vegetable salads. This is rich meal that will give you a lot of power and not make you sleepy, of course, very healthy meal. You can add whatever vegetable you preffer and enjoy in great salad every single day!
They dont enjoy in fast-food, they dont like it at all. Maybe thats the recipe for healthy long living, by what Greek are known.The Mediterranean diet is based on consumption of foods rich in fiber like whole grains, fruits, legumes and vegetables), olive oil and fish, and it is recognized as a kind of healthy and nutritious diet, and also helps fight against cellular aging and cardiovascular disease.
Bread, fruits, vegetables, olives, and traditional glass of wine certainly help in establishing the longevity.
Dont forget this:European Union (EU) supported the proposal of the Spanish government to recognize the Mediterranean diet as a world heritage by UNESCO!
Live healthy, eat fresh, use Mediterranean tips for diet and you will have healthy, long life. Even better, take their way of preparing food, living and enjoying in every single moment and you will have extremely rich life!

Here are some fast recipes based on this diet that can help you ti start healthy life in 3,2,1...lets go!

Classic Greek salad

You need:
Ingredients (4 serves)
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 choped small red onion
1 crushed garlic clove,
2 tablespoons chopped fresh oregano leaves
200-250g tomatoes
1 large Lebanese cucumber, chopped
1 small red capsicum, chopped
1/2 cup kalamata olives
100g Greek feta cheese
*Place lemon juice, garlic, oil and oregano in a screw-top jar, add soem salt. Secure lid. Shake to combine.
Combine tomato, cucumber, onion, capsicum and olives in a large bowl. Top with feta. Drizzle with oil mixture. Enjoy in taste!
Tip: This is classic Greek salad - feel free to add less or more ingredients if you like it that way!

Sesame sweets

Ingredients (4serves)
300g turkish delightes
200g cooking chocolate
20g margarins
200g baked sesame
*melt turkish on small fire, add there melted chocolate,and add bakes sesame.Leave it for a while and then, on oil base, put mixture and than chop it to look like bombone.
Tip: Add little lemon juice in mixture.Left for an hour and enjoy in taste!

Couscous with spicy fish on Spanish way

Ingredients (4 serves)
1 cup couscous
600g firm white fish fillets, trimmed
1/3 cup olive oil
1 small red onion and 1 small yellow capsicum, finely chopped
1 cup chicken stock
1/2 cup frozen peas
1/2 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves, finely chopped
2 teaspoons spicy Spanish seasoning
*Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Cook onion until softened, add capsicum and cook for 2 minutes.
Meanwhile, bring stock and peas to the boil in a saucepan over medium-low heat. Place couscous in a large, heatproof bowl. Pour stock mixture over couscous. Stir to combine. Stand, covered, for 3 to 4 minutes or until stock is absorbed. Add onion mixture and parsley. Stir with a fork to separate grains. Cover to keep warm.Coat fish lightly in seasoning. Heat remaining oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Cook fish for 2 to 3 minutes each side or until cooked through. Serve with couscous mixture.
Take a glass of good wine and enjoy in lovely, healthy life!Cheers!